Equal Height Grid Containers

These options require GenerateBlocks 1.7.

To ensure a better understanding, let’s first examine the HTML structure of the Grid block.

From the screenshot above, we can see that the Grid block with 3 columns consists of the following elements:

  • gb-grid-wrapper
    • gb-grid-column
      • gb-container
        • headline + button
    • gb-grid-column
      • gb-container
        • headline + button
    • gb-grid-column
      • gb-container
        • headline + button

Step 1: Set Grid block’s Vertical Alignment to Default

This will ensure that all the Grid columns (gb-grid-column) have the same height.

Step 2: Set all Grid Containers to be full height

This step ensures that all the Grid Containers (gb-container) extend to the full height of the Grid columns (gb-grid-column).